What We Offer

Here are the many ways we can support you on your journey towards healing & growth!

Areas of Specialty

Individual Therapy

Therapy covering the broad range of emotions of daily life, or specific events.

Couples Therapy

Therapy for couples to resolve relationship issues, work on communication, and come back into balance.


Brainspotting is a therapy technique that allows your brain to process feelings and experiences efficiently.


Premarital Counseling

Start your marriage off in the healthiest way possible by talking through the “ifs” and “whens” before “I Do.”


The Enneagram is used in both therapy and coaching sessions to help you understand yourself at a deeper level.


No one is immune to anxiety. Talk through anxious thoughts in a safe space with a licensed counselor.


Millennials & Gen Z

Therapy for millennials & post-college gen z, dealing with the pressure of playing for keeps.


Trauma (big or small) impacts the brain similarly. Dealing with the suppressed emotions from trauma allows it to resolve.

Highly Sensitive Persons

Therapy for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) gives them the much-needed space to decompress from daily life.


Kids & Teens


Spirituality &
Spiritual Trauma


Life Transitions

“Don’t judge your feelings; notice them. Use them as your map. Don’t be afraid of the truth.”