Brainspotting Therapy


Have a ton of things to work through, but don’t have the words for it?

Fortunately, Brainspotting Therapy only requires that you notice what you’re feeling on the inside while you look in a specific direction.

Where you look affects how you feel!

Your brain intuitively knows how to heal itself…We just need to create the conditions to let it do what it does best!

Trauma (or any experience that is laden with intense feelings) might be stored in a different part of your brain, so best to try something that helps you access and work through it more directly, efficiently, and smoothly!

There are times when typical talk therapy is what you’re needing — like talking things out so that you have more clarity of what’s going on and what to do next.

But there are moments when you just need to try something else because you don’t wanna do another 2-5 years of talk therapy for what can be processed through in 2-5 Brainspotting sessions!

Let your body heal from the bottom up!


Therapists who offer Brainspotting

Click on the images to see the therapist’s bio!


Not sure who to work with?

Reach out to us and we’ll help you get started!