Our Values


All practitioners follow our approach.

Here’s what makes us different.


Safe Haven,
Secure Base

You’re only able to fulfill your dreams, take risks, adventure and explore when you have a secure base. When you have a safe space to return to, you’re free to launch.


Know Your Worth

Healers and professionals downplay themselves in order to care for others. But you matter, too. Havenly supports those who support their communities, like therapists, clinicians, bodywork practitioners, coaches, chiropractors, and more.

Do Your Work

Using practices based on the Enneagram, all practitioners attend to their own needs and do their personal work. We are deliberate and passionate about continued growth.



Starting with self-attunement, we take care of ourselves so that we can care for others. Secondly, we have social attunement to our community, collaboration in our practice, and practice healthy conflict. Finally, we have societal attunement. We don’t operate in a bubble. We care about social and racial justice on a local, national and global level.


We draw out the best and brightest from each other, and there is no need for competition or comparison. We can do so many more amazing things than when we work on our own. We’re better together, and we can have a greater impact in collaboration than we can as individuals.