Kristen Hannah

Your whole life you have noticed that there is something different about you, but you weren’t sure what it was and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing.

Maybe you were called “shy” when you were younger. Maybe you were seen as “too emotional” because you didn’t respond the same way to a situation that other people in your family did.


There was this subtle questioning in the back of your mind— why am I like this?


As you got older, you learned how to put on your game face and show the world what they wanted to see, but it took energy and you noticed that you were more tired than your friends. You started wondering why other people were able to handle things better than you were. You needed more alone time, and as you sat by yourself in your dark, quiet room, the question you were afraid to ask would show up: is there something wrong with me?


I’m here to tell you that the answer is “no”.

You may be a highly sensitive person and not know it yet. Together we can figure that out and help you understand yourself so that you can embrace yourself and live your best life.


I help highly sensitive people understand themselves and embrace their gift of high sensitivity.

For the last decade, I have been helping people who feel different learn that their difference is actually their superpower and it’s something that, when it’s embraced, makes the world a better place.

My clients come to me unsure and uncomfortable because it’s hard to talk to a stranger, but by the end of the first session they all feel a giant sense of relief because they feel like someone gets them and lets them know that it’s okay to be who they are. Together we figure out what helps you feel your best and how to best care for yourself outside of therapy so that you experience calm. Therapy becomes the place where you can take your mask off and really be seen…and it feels really good.


About Me

I’ve always loved hearing people’s stories and my whole life, people seem to want to tell me their stories. The older that I became, the more intense and hard the stories became. I found myself wanting to help, but not knowing what to do. I thought that if I became a therapist, I would learn how to show up in those moments and really help the person in front of me.

After years of listening and experiencing other’s stories, I found that what I really wanted to give people was an accepting, non-judgmental space where they could share, be known, and learn to accept themselves and their story. That is really what drives me to do what I do. The better I can do that and the better we all get at that, the better place the world will be.

I love what I do for many reasons. I love how special the relationship is between me and my clients. It is such a privilege to get to hear someone say something out loud for the first time.

It is even more incredible to witness that person move from a place of shame about what they shared to a place of understanding and acceptance of themselves.

I love having meaningful conversations and helping a person find their voice and honor their truth. It really never gets old to have a front row seat to witnessing someone transform and heal.


The Details

I work with young adults and adult women who have been told their whole lives that they are “too sensitive” and struggle with anxiety because they question themselves. I listen people into being at home with themselves.


Training & Education

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, CA LMFT #97199

EMDR Certified


Fees & Timeline

I offer long-term individual counseling. I typically meet with clients once per week for 45 minute sessions. Each session is $250.

Many of my clients come consistently for 6 months to 1 year until they feel like they’ve reached their goals and have gotten what they needed from therapy.



Transition to College

Highly Sensitive Clients


Lorren Siu


Morgan Hancock